Inn on Main Logo
Inn on Main Logo

Meet Crocker! Our New Family Member (and Official Greeter)

Say hello to Crocker, the newest addition to the Inn on Main family! Crocker is a rescue from Puerto Rico and is now living his best life here at the Inn. He has assumed his new duties with vim and vigor and a healthy dose of boundless energy. These new duties include:

  • Licking fingers and faces
  • Searching for lost toys
  • Chewing EVERYTHING
  • Tail wagging
  • Saying hello to all visitors


Crocker came to us from Souls of Satos, a small rescue group located in Dorado Puerto Rico. If you are interested in adopting a rescue, please consider this organization and help support their work. You will not be dissapointed

Satos are basically a "super mutt" and can exhibit traits from many breeds. Crocker is very intelligent and has many characteristics associated with border collies, even though his littermates look like chihuahuas.

We will post updates on Crocker as he becomes older, wiser and more indispensable to  us as time goes by.